Find Your Dream Job Faster
Your Portfolio, Simplified.
Plicanta turns your resume into a powerful portfolio website that lands your dream job.
No More Hassle

Resume Building, Evolved

Your resume should work for you, not against you.

  • Turns your resume into a beautiful website
  • Easily make updates without breaking a sweat
  • Automatically converts into DOCX
Effortless Application Tracking

No more messy folders & spreadsheets

Always be ready to respond to your interviewer, no matter how long ago you applied.

  • Gamifies your job search
  • Saves job descriptions, even if the listing closes
  • Remembers which cover letter you used.
Innovative Tools

Apply to Jobs 7X Faster

Plicanta boosts your application to the finish line by generating a starting point for your cover letter using the job description and your resume.

Get Started
Designed For Efficiency

Automatically Export Cover Letters into .docx

Experience the power of automation. No more copy and pasting.

Find Your Dream Job Faster
What Are You Waiting For?
Your job search shouldn't involve slaying dragons.

Have any questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

How does your platform help me find job openings?

Our platform doesn't directly provide job openings (yet), but it does help you stay organized during your job search by allowing you to track job applications and deadlines, and offering personalized advice on job search strategies.

Can I customize my website and resume?

Yes! Our platform offers customizable templates and easy-to-use tools that allow you to create a professional-looking website and resume that stand out from the competition.

Is my personal information safe on your platform?

Yes, your personal information is safe with us. We take data security very seriously and use the latest encryption technology to protect your information.

Do you offer customer support?

Yes, we offer customer support to help you with any questions or issues you may have. You can contact us via email, phone, or live chat.